We can help your church grow and become an effective congregation.

It is a difficult moment in time to be a church leader. Questions are abundant. Answers seem elusive. What does God want from each one of us as we seek to make disciples in a culture that seems to be moving away from God, not to Him? At the Effective Church Group, we would love to come alongside you to share the journey. Through our experience of more than 1000 congregations and their leaders, we have learned what practices are more likely to be effective and which only end up in frustration.

We have a philosophy that says, "If you succeed; we succeed." Our clients soon learn that everything we do is tailored to meet their needs. Please let us know what you need and we work with you to make it happen. If all you need is coaching, we'll be by your side helping you avoid landmines. If you need a thorough audit of your staff and ministries, we will work with you to collect all the data needed to develop a strategic plan for the next two or three years. If your staff or leaders need training, we have the tools and skills to make the training come alive. If you need a speaker for some special occasion, we do that also. Very few consultants can offer you the experience and expertise that we can.

Consultation Services

What Would a Single- Minded Commitment Mean for Your Ministry?

The difference between thriving churches and everyone else can generally be summed up in one word: focus. A congregation that’s unified in fulfilling its mission is virtually unstoppable no matter what obstacles get in its way. But getting focused… that’s the trick. If your ministry is having trouble finding or keeping focused on a central theme, it’s time to consider hiring a consultant. Working with a consultant will not only help your ministry find its central theme, but help you align everything you do under that theme. This will lead to a focused staff, focused membership, and even well-focused ministries and programming. And a well-focused church is one that changes lives, reaches the community, and grows. We’ve been doing exactly that for over thirty years! Whether we’re on-site with our Complete Ministry Audit or consulting from afar, churches that tap into our resources and experience discover a committed partner who helps them develop a strategic roadmap to move them along the road less travelled to mission fulfillment.

From self-directed to on-site, there's a consultation package designed to meet your congregation's needs.

Effective Church Training

Reap the Rewards of a Well-Trained Staff

Visitors Every Week

And not just visitors, but visitors who return again and again. Visitors who become members who become leaders.

Spiritually Grounded and Growing Leaders

Leaders who have a passion for the Kingdom and for their church. Leaders who immerse themselves in faith development. Leaders who put the good of the church above their personal preferences. Leaders who do more than just show up… they’re invested in multiplying themselves, their ministries, and the mission of the church.

An Effective and Productive Staff

The right staff in the right positions that are fully committed to mission alignment and vision fulfillment. A staff that leads by example and raises up leaders from within the congregation, inspiring them to greatness.

Members Who Make a Difference

Members that reflect the faith in their everyday lives; who take the church’s mission from the building to the community; who are there when crunch time comes … and when they’re needed most.

If your ministry struggles with getting the staff, church leaders, or membership to do what needs to get done, then you might be facing a training issue. Too often churches find themselves distracted with what is, or what was, rather than with what could be and mission-critical ministry either stagnates or doesn’t even get started. Get your leaders and members well trained and focused on those practices that make the biggest difference.

We’ve been training churches and church leaders for decades, but we also understand that training only changes lives when training gets applied. That’s why the Effective Church Group offers training packages and events that leave you with more than just information and inspiration. Our workbooks include strategic planning pages that provide you and your congregation a step-by-step implementation process so that what you learn today isn’t just yesterday’s good ideas.

We offer a wide variety of training resources as well as leading on-site church leadership training.
Effective Church Coaching

Having the Confidence to Know You Made the Right Decision and the encouragement and support to help you implement it

There’s almost nothing worse that facing a decision and not knowing if you’ve got enough information or experience or distance to make a good choice. Especially when making the wrong choice could mess things up for weeks, months, or even years.

Coaching isn’t about telling you what you should do… or not do, for that matter. Good coaching helps you see the options … and inspires new ones. It helps you sort out the good from the great. And it’s a sounding board for safely bouncing your off-the-wall ideas off of… and then bringing the great ones to life.

If you’ve been second-guessing yourself, wrestling with ideas or problems that are outside your experience or comfort zone, making decisions and then worrying whether you made the right choice, or struggle with bringing your great ideas to life, then having a professional coach is probably right for you. A good coach comes alongside you like a good friend who’s seen the world and has the experience to point out the potential pitfalls and detours, and who helps you make the best decisions. But a great coach doesn’t leave you there; they walk alongside as you put your decisions into play and encourages you with every step, pointing out the dream killers hiding in the shadows that would derail you as you go.

You won’t find more experienced coaches than the ones at the Effective Church Group. We’ve walked the walk, but we have more than just experience. We’ve been doing this for 30 years with thousands of pastors and church leaders… and so we get to learn from their experiences as well. And we don’t do group coaching – our coaching calls are one-on-one, so your ministry gets our undivided attention every time. You’re our first priority. Your ministry deserves that.

Coaching is a personal endeavor, which is why we don't offer so-called "group" coaching options. Every leader needs a coach... is yours taking you where you need to go?

Are you looking?

Whatever you’re facing – staff changes, space restrictions, attendance decline, aging members, conflict, outreach issues, time management, low church esteem – we’ve been there and done that. We’ll be there for you, too.

Contact Us

Address: 308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203

Phone: 573-463-5923

Time: 8 AM - 5 PM

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Contact Us: 573-463-5923 or

[email protected]